Sometimes the Universe sends us signs through small everyday objects and experiences. Sometimes they are as small as a bubble. Have you noticed your water seems to be effervescent lately…and it’s not a soda water you’re drinking? It seems no matter what you do, the bubbles show up. Is it you? Is it something in the water? In this post, we learn the bubbles in water spiritual meaning and teach you how you can accept the message and manifest your best!
The Spiritual Connection Between Air and Water
Life on this planet is made up of four core elements, according to Western magical tradition. Air, Fire, Water, and Earth. Each of these elements supports and sustains life. They offer a mode of creation but can also be destructive.
When we’re talking about bubbles in water’s spiritual meaning, we have to first discuss the two key elements here: Air and Water. Their magical properties, as well as how they work with one another to create this sign and phenomenon. If you’d like to learn more about all four elements, click here.
Air: East, Breath, Inspiration, Communication
Air is such an important element, and one that often gets left behind. Air is governed by the East and represents breath, energy flow, inspiration, communication, mental strength, music, and healing.
Water: West, Womb, Purification, Dreams
Water sustains life, the planet, plants, animals, human beings. Without water, we would perish. It is governed by the West and represents our dreams, emotions, intuition, the spirit world, and purification.
When Water and Air Meet
When air and water mix, depending on the quality and the conditions, many powerful things can happen. When air is the dominant force, water is moved, waves are formed, sometimes even water spouts and tsunamis are created.
When water is the dominant force, bubbles and air pockets might form. This phenomenon happens in a glass of water, but also happens at larger levels in the ocean. Also consider how water is formed: it needs 2 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen. So, essentially, water is partially made of the air element. There’s no true separation of the two…just like with any and all of the elements. We need all four elements to survive. And they need each other.
Bubbles in Water Spiritual Meaning
If you’ve been seeing bubble in your water and are curious what the spiritual meaning is, there’s a few things to consider:
1. New Love is on its way
When I think of bubbles in water, I am reminded that air is male and water is female. If you’ve been looking for a new love in your life, this is perhaps your sign that love is on the way to you. Now, just because I associate an element with male/female also refers to masculine/feminine. Not specific to gender, for those who are queer.
2. Time for Playfulness and Joy
The meaning of bubbles in water is simple – it’s a sign that playfulness and joy are needed in your life. Perhaps you’ve been taking things too seriously lately, working too hard, and haven’t taken a break? Now is the time to set aside some time to play. Engage in activities that are relaxing and bring you joy. Playing with a pet, being silly with your kids or partner, whatever that means to you. Prioritize your happiness!
3. Bubbles in Water Spiritual Meaning = INSPIRATION
The air element is equal to breath…when you INSPIRE, you are breathing in air. To inspire almost means to breathe in new life and imagination into something. If you’ve been seeing lots of bubbles in your water, the spiritual meaning might be simply that the muse is talking to you. You’re an artist or a writer and need new life in your work. It’s here! Just accept it.
4. Things Are Coming to the Surface
When things are buried in the deep of our subconscious, we can go years without thinking about them. Old trauma, negative energy, and emotions might be bottled up inside of you…but now something has brought them to the surface. They’re coming up slowly but surely. Similar to how bubbles pop up to the surface of water. Time to acknowledge what you’ve been ignoring and start the healing process.