The basis of life is in the four elements. We only live and survive because of earth, air, fire and water. The earth is beneath us, provides us shelter, stability, and nourishment. A place to call home. We breathe the air around us, it fills our lungs and our blood with life-giving oxygen. Fire gives us heat, protection, and helps us cook our food. And water? Well, we are made up of over 60% of this element and need it to survive, as well. These elements are also the foundation of modern natural witchcraft. Here, we’ll learn about each element, their magical properties, and how to use them in your practice.
The Four Elements: Up First, EARTH
The earth element is powerful in so many ways. In Wicca and other western magical traditions, it is one of the 5 major elements from which all life is sustained. The earth is inherently our mother. From a blade of grass to a mighty mountain, witches use the earth element in their magick and spiritual practice for many different purposes. Learn all about the earth element, earth magical properties, simple earth spells and more here.
Earth Magical Properties
Depending on the tradition and even the individual, earth magical properties will vary. When the earth element means growth and grounding to one person, it may mean death and psychic abilities to another. These are meant to be guidelines; adjust as needed.
Direction: North
Substance: Tree, soil, plant, fungus, cave, mountain, ground, forest, grove, canyon, field, farm, garden, park, mine, basement, hole, crater, nursery, kitchen
Zodiac Signs: Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo
Planets: Earth
Earth Magical Properties: growth, femininity, prosperity, birth, fertility, stability, grounding, employment, finances, death, motherhood, sustenance
Earth Animals: deer, cow, dog, worm, gopher, mole, rat, horse, squirrel, ant, pig, goat, wolf, coyote
Colors: Green, brown, black
Magical Tools: salt, pentacle, stones/crystals
Magical Creatures with earth magical properties: gnomes, dwarves, garden fae, trolls, giants, dryads
Deities associated with the earth element: Gaia, Maia, Demeter, Modron, The Morrigan, Dea Matres, Pacha Mama, Cybele, Ceres, Sif, Jord, Mother Earth/Nature, Cernunnos, Green Man, Oak and Holly Kings
Plants with Earth Magical Properties: oak, patchouli, vetivert, moss, lichen, nuts, roots, potatoes, tumeric, ginger, cedar, hawthorn, elder
Simple Earth Magic and Spells
If you are an earth zodiac sign, your most powerful magick will facilitate the earth element to make change. Earth magic doesn’t have to be complicated, unless you want it to be. Here are some easy ways to cast earth magic and harness the energy of the earth element:
- growing and maintaining a magical garden
- making herbal infusions and brews
- burying spells i.e. witch’s bottles and jars
- using different kinds of dirt and sand in your spells
- kitchen witchcraft: cooking, baking, herbalism, crafting
- mountain witchcraft: working with the energies of the mountain
- herbal offerings to the gods and ancestors
- making spell bags with herbs and crystals
- growing a plant intended to manifest magical intentions
- using salt to cleanse your sacred space
- divination with ogham staves, rune stones and crystals
- healing with crystals and stones and herbs
- working with gnomes, garden fairies, etc.
- aligning and balancing your root and heart chakras
- working with the magick of trees
- hiking and camping
- carving and woodworking
- crafting magical wreaths
- wearing and using earth element colors in your magick
The Unique Magick of the Earth Element
The earth element works in conjunction with all other elements to sustain life on this planet. In fact, it IS the planet. Think about how earth works with the others: earth feeds fire, requires water for growth, produces air (trees/plants) in conjunction with water. But can also suffocate fire and air and impede water. We live on the earth, our feet and homes planted in the soil, and grow our food in the earth. Without earth, we would not survive. Earth is nurturing, grounding, loving, growing, replenishing, moving, sowing, and reaping.
Earth Element Exercises
As a witch, you will commune and connect with all 5 elements over the span of your lifetime. Sometimes you’ll love one element over the others. But you should explore all elements in the same regard. With the earth element, study the earth magical properties. Write them down in your grimoire or Book of Shadows. Learn about plants and trees. Work with herbs and crystals. Take time to dive into grounding techniques. Understand the very essence of earth. You can eat things that relate to earth (nearly everything). Wear the colors of earth. Take a trip to a cave system or forest.

The Four Elements: Element of AIR
The air element is powerful in so many ways. In Wicca and other western magical traditions, it is one of the 5 major elements from which all life is sustained. From a gust of wind to a gentle exhale, witches use the air element in their magick and spiritual practice for many different purposes. Learn all about the air element, air magical properties, simple air spells and more here.
Air Magical Properties
Depending on the tradition and even the individual, air magical properties will vary. When the air element means communication or activation to one person, it may mean emotions and abundance to another. These are meant to be guidelines; adjust as needed.
Direction: East
Substance: Wind, Mist, Fog, Clouds, Spirit, Ether, Breeze, Hurricane, Tornado, Spoken Word, Whisper, Breath, Music
Prana: breathing, breath of life (Hindu)
Qi: air, energy flow, breath (Chinese)
Zodiac Signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Planets: Jupiter and Mercury
Air Magical Properties: communication (spoken and written), travel, whimsy, writing, activation, movement, business contracts/agreements, mental strength and memory, purification, music and healing.
Air Animals: birds, bees, butterflies, dragonflies, bats, flying insects, flying squirrels, any flying animal
Colors: White, yellow, silver
Magical Tools: feathers, bells, incense, wand, leaves, wind chimes, wings, fans, musical instruments, besom, bubbles
Magical Creatures with air magical properties: winged fairies like pixies, phoenix, dragons, pegasus, sylphs
Plants with Air Magical Properties: air plants (like spanish moss), mimosa, alder, aspen, birch, dandelion, lavender, fennel, lungwort
Simple Air Spells and Magick
If you are an air zodiac sign, your most powerful magick will facilitate the air element to make change. Air spells don’t have to be complicated, unless you want them to be. Here are some easy ways to cast air spells and harness the energy of the air element:
- make a wish while blowing bubbles OR divine a message using bubbles
- burn incense as offering to the gods and to manifest your intentions
- write your air spell on a piece of paper, take it to the top of a cliff, let it blow away in the wind
- keep a magical grimoire or book of shadows
- make a wish and blow out the birthday candles
- smoke-cleanse your home with burning herbs to rid it of negativity
- blow a dandelion seed-head and make a wish
- balloon magick (although not recommended for the environment nowadays)
- storm magick: harnessing the energy of a storm to manifest your air spell
- cloud scrying: divination using the patterns in clouds to tell the future
- cloud bursting: moving air with the power of your mind
- whispering air spells into the wind
- working with air element fairies and spirits
- volunteering your time or resources to a local bird rescue (the energy you offer to these creatures may help manifest your intentions)
- automatic writing
- writing and reciting poetry
- learning and playing an instrument (particularly woodwind, flutes or stringed)
- singing your intentions
- chanting your intentions
- daily words of affirmation
- feather magick: divination or spells
The Unique Magick of the Air Element
The air element works in conjunction with all other elements to sustain life on this planet. Think about how air works with the others: air fuels fire, moves earth, makes clouds with water. You may notice how some of the air element’s magical properties and associations cross over with the elements. That’s because they all work together flawlessly in the circle of life. As for air, we inhale and exhale air, it cools us off, but it can also be destructive and blow down houses. Without air, we would not survive. Air is whirling, twirling, twisting, freeing. Whipping, swirling, caressing, calling, kissing, misting, clouding, flying. Speak it into existence, whisper it into the wind.
Air Element Exercises for the Beginner Witch
As a witch or magical practitioners, you will commune and connect with all 5 elements over the span of your lifetime. Sometimes you’ll love one element over the others. But you should explore all elements in the same regard. With the air element, study the air magical properties. Write them down in your grimoire or Book of Shadows. Learn about incense and smudging. Work with a bell and wind chimes. Take time to dive into breathing techniques.
Upon request, we now have a set of downloadable PDF grimoire pages on all 4 elements in the shop! Click any image below to go there:

The FIRE Element
Fire isn’t just without. It comes from within. It’s as much a part of this world as it is a part of ourselves. From a candle’s flame to a bonfire, witches use the fire element in their magical craft for many different reasons. Depending on the tradition and even the individual, fire magical properties will vary. When the fire element means passion and success to one person, it may mean emotions and cleansing to another. These are meant to be guidelines; adjust as needed.
Fire Magical Properties
Direction: South
Substance: Candle flame, Bonfire, Wildfire, Heat, Sunlight, Hearth, Spark, Fuse, Electricity, Fever, Oven, Fireworks, Chemical Reactions (some)
Body: Loins, Immune and Metabolic System
Zodiac Signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Planets: Mars
Fire Magical Properties: passion, anger, transformation, cleansing, destruction, protection, energy, force, renewal, rebirth, banishment, purification, sex, warding, truth, hope
Fire Animals: snakes, lizards, bees, crickets, scorpions, fox, lion, tiger, ram, fire ant, firefly
Colors: Red, Orange, Yellow, Gold, Blue
Magical Tools: candles, athame, sword, dagger, stove and oven, incense
Magical Creatures with fire magical properties: dragons, phoenix, salamanders, djinn
Plants with Fire Magical Properties: rosemary, rue, basil, thistle, peppers, cactus, coffee beans
Fire Magic Spells
The fire magical properties are fueled by air. So, essentially, air can be used to fan or increase fire. Water may be heated by fire OR in larger quantities can put out the fire. Fire cooks or burns up earth or can be extinguished by earth.
People who are fire signs tend to be very passionate, driven people. They are sometimes easy to enrage, and love working with the fire element in their magick. If you are a fire sign, fire magic spells and charms will be your most potent form of witchcraft. Here are some easy ways to cast fire magic spells and harness the energy of the fire element:
- Candle spells
- Sun-bathing / re-charging by sunlight
- Burning papers with wishes/intentions in bonfires
- Burning old belongings to release old habits and negativity
- Hearth magick: cooking, brewing, baking, etc.
- Fire scrying: divination in candle flames and bonfires
- Smoke scrying: divination with smoke
- Burning Incense and Smoke-cleansing
- Storm magick, particularly harnessing the energy of lightning
- Solar magick: sun teas and elixirs, sabbat celebrations, etc.
- Alchemy with metals
- Crafting sun catchers with magical intentions
- Sex magick
- Burning candles as offerings to gods, ancestors, spirit guides
- Blacksmithing and forging
- Working with crystals linked to the fire element
- Following your passion in life
The Unique Magick of the Fire Element
Fire is creative and destructive. It warded off wild animals, intruders, and illness for our ancestors. It also kept them warm and provided a means of cooking. But it could also destroy entire villages and forests, destroying life as we know it. Fire dries/evaporates water, is fueled/extinguished by air, and is fueled/extinguished by earth. The interaction with fire all depends on the amount of each element used. Without heat and fire, our ancestors wouldn’t have survived and neither would we. In Greek mythology, fire was gifted to humans by a god. Let the fire element cleanse you of your past and prepare a path for the future.
Fire Element Exercises for the Beginner Witch
To connect with the fire element, beginner witches should eat, sleep, breathe and live fire. Simply lighting candles on a daily basis starts the process. Study fire and its interactions with the other elements. Wear colors that correspond to fire. Think about what human characteristics YOU associate with fire. Do you feel it inside when you’re angry? Motivated? Lustful? Learn how to scry with fire. Understand the scientific properties of fire. Study the animals, landscape and plants connected to the fire element. Cast fire magic spells until you feel you’ve forged a connection.

The Water Element (Four Elements)
The water element is powerful in so many ways. In Wicca and other western magical traditions, it is one of the 5 major elements from which all life is sustained. From an ocean wave to a dew drop, witches use the water element in their magick and spiritual practice for many different purposes. Learn all about the water element, water magical properties, simple water magic spells and more here.
Water Magical Properties
Depending on the tradition and even the individual, water’s magical properties will vary. When the water element means dreams and emotions to one person, it may mean destruction and purification to another. These are meant to be guidelines; adjust as needed.
Direction: West
Substance: Rain, tsunami, ocean waves, dew drops, rivers, creeks, ponds, lakes, waterfalls.
Zodiac Signs: Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio
Planets: Moon, Venus
Water Magical Properties: purification, emotions, intuition, dreams, love, rebirth/renewal, understanding, harmony, friendship, connection to the dead/ancestors/spirit realm
Water Animals: seagulls, seabirds, sea turtles, fish, sharks, whales, dolphins, crabs, starfish, seahorses, otters, seals, walrus, penguins, octopus, squid, barracuda, frogs
Colors: blue, teal/green, silver, white
Magical Tools: chalice, cauldron, bowl, scrying mirror
Magical Creatures with water magical properties: selkie, Chinese dragon, undine, mermaid, kelpie, siren, sea serpent
Deities associated with Water: Manannan Mac Lir, Lyr, Cliodhna, Sequana, Danu, Yemaya, Poseidon, Triton, Aphrodite, Oshun, Hapi, Osiris, Dodola, Nantosuelta, Sirona, Boann, Sinann, Freyr, Njord, Medusa, Oceanus, Neptune, Ganga, Saraswati
Plants with Water Magical Properties: lettuce, blue lotus, water lily, bella donna, burdock, spearmint, periwinkle, watermelon, lobelia, aloe vera, fern, seaweed, algae
Ideas for Water Magic Spells
If you are a water zodiac sign, your most powerful magick will facilitate the water element to make change. Water magic spells don’t have to be complicated, unless you want them to be. Here are some easy ways to cast water magic spells and harness the energy of the water element:
- ritual baths and bath spells
- making magical waters: rose water, moon water, sun water, war water, etc.
- send off spell remnants in a flowing river/creek
- water and mirror scrying
- asperging (cleansing) by sprinkling blessed water on a person/place/thing
- messages/spells in a bottle sent off into the ocean
- storm magick: harnessing the storm’s water to use in magickal endeavors
- working with sea gods and goddesses
- brewing teas and other concoctions
- making herb-infused oils and salves
- floating candle spells
- cleansing/purification ritual by swimming in the ocean/river/lake
- collect rain water, ocean water, river water, creek water to use in spells
- collect dew to use in spells
- using various magical waters as an offering on altars
- snow and ice spells
- making and using moon water
- making herbal sprays for purification etc.
The Unique Magick of the Water Element
The water element works in conjunction with all other elements to sustain life on this planet. Think about how water works with the others: water extinguishes fire or is evaporated by fire, water feeds the earth, water is made with and moved by air. We require water to live and our bodies are made up of at least sixty percent water. The planet is mostly made up of water. Water is our great mother, the creator, and yet in an instant becomes the great destroyer. But remember, where there’s destruction then after comes creation.
Water Element Exercises for the Beginner Witch
As a witch, you will commune and connect with all 5 elements over the span of your lifetime. Sometimes you’ll love one element over the others. But you should explore all elements in the same regard. With the water element, study the water magical properties. Write them down in your grimoire or Book of Shadows. Learn about chalices and cauldrons. Collect and charge water by storm, moon, sun, etc. Take time to connect with water by ritual bathing. Understand the very essence of water. You can eat things that relate to water. Wear the colors of water. Study the animals and plants associated with water.

I love learning about the Elements. Thank you so much for sharing.
Thank you so much!