Witchcraft in the Philippines: A Cultural Introduction by a Filipino Witch

Witchcraft in the Philippines: A Cultural Intro by a Filipino Witch

This is the first in an exciting duology by a modern Filipino witch, Kristine Ibanez, detailing witchcraft in the Philippines – past and present. In the second part of the duology, Kristine details the different types of witches and healers in the Philippines. You’ll want to read both parts, trust me!

So How Do We Define Witchcraft?

Well first off, what do Filipinos consider as witches in their own country? Is it the same as western witches? Do they share the same stereotypes? Are Filipino witches born or made? Is it something anyone can just study or practice with the aid of the supernatural? These are just some of the topics we will tackle.

The word โ€œwitchโ€ has so very many underlying meanings and concepts and itโ€™s ever-changing to this day. Different countries have different names for their witches and all have different connotations and none of each precisely translates the other. The problem of defining witchcraft is made even more difficult when the concepts of the craft change according to time and place. There is no coherent pattern of beliefs. There is no single definition of the term. It also depends upon individual belief.

A Common Framework

One thing is certain, the witches we see in art, literature, theatre, and film are different from witches in reality. However, different as it may be, all forms of witchcraft share a common structural framework. And itโ€™s evident once you start to study or practice the craft of any origin. There are so many different paths and traditions to discover and choose from. It all depends on what calls to you and how you honor that path.

Pre-Colonial Filipino Religion and Witchcraft

Here in the Philippines, we have 7,107 islands which means there are hundreds, if not thousands of tribes and communities with their own set of languages, beliefs, and religions. And with that, even more variations of legends and traditions where one may find witch lore.

The Catalonas’ Conversion to Christianity

Majority of Filipino pre-colonial religions have slowly disappeared due to the colonizers. Some of my ancestors were more than accepting to being converted to Christianity. A good example would be the Catalona. During the Spanish colonization of the Philippines, some of the Catalonas converted and embraced Christianity while others tried to resist. Some retaliated and continued to practice their original ways. While others fused the two together.

Filipino witches are alive and well in modern times.
Makeup, photography and artistic concept by Kristine Ibanez

Modern Filipino Pagan Groups

I doubt any of the original stuff survived after many decades, but discovering there are registered pagan groups and organizations here, like the Center For Philippine Traditional Indigenous Spirituality and Culture And Natural Healing Arts, means we get somewhat close. Knowing that pagan priests, indigenous religious beliefs, and folk healing practices are still alive and well has been more than a treat for me. 

Correllian Nativist Wicca and Indigenous Belief Systems

Correllian Nativist Tradition of Wicca in the Philippines exists and provides a way for Filipinos to be able to explore their true, past identity. As of 2010, an estimated 2% of the Philippine population identified as practicing indigenous beliefs – the majority of whom live in isolated areas where Islam, Catholicism, or Protestantism didn’t dominate. But no one really knows this unless they have an actual interest of the matter enough to research it. So letโ€™s look at it in a more general point of view.

Ask a Filipino Millennial About Witchcraft in the Philippines

A good way to begin is by asking a Filipino millennial what they think of witchcraft in the Philippines. Most will give you a westernized version because thatโ€™s where they mostly get their witch knowledge from: western media or the internet. Often-times, theyโ€™ll give you a stereotypical list if theyโ€™re severely uninformed. And sometimes these stereotypes are completely damaging (i.e. evil, covered in warts, eats children, etc.). Thatโ€™s no surprise because, aside from getting their general witchcraft knowledge from mainstream media, witches are almost always portrayed as villains. The Philippines are also heavily influenced by the Catholic Church, which is the dominant religion in the country. And we know how the church feels about โ€œwitchesโ€. 

The Survival of Filipino Beliefs

Filipino Catholicism is a combination of the religion the Spanish brought when they colonized us and the local animist and traditional beliefs. Some of these beliefs are that deceased ancestors, land spirits, local deities, local monsters and creatures, and mystical forces can affect the lives of the people. Filipino Catholicism and its religious practices vary a great deal from region to region, just as with paganism. Some of the traditional beliefs have survived the test of time and some of them you can see in our superstitions. Itโ€™s deeply rooted the further you look.

There's a trend of witchy things in the Philippines, which a modern Filipino witch explains is a good thing.
Moon Goddess by Kristine Ibanez

The “Trend” of Witchcraft & Indigenous Beliefs in the Philippines

There has been recent, however scarce, local articles acknowledging the steady rise of witchcraft in the Philippines. Diviners and fortune tellers are popping up left and right, but Iโ€™m not quite sure we can call them witches in a traditional sense. Find these fortune tellers mostly in ig, with the majority focusing on divination with tarot cards. Aside from reading tarot, there’s no clear definition or basis of their religion or belief system.

Local Businesses Adopting the Trend

You donโ€™t see a lot of modern Filipino witches or neopagans who actually share their deeper practices compared to western witches. Unfortunately, the most I can see with the old ways being acknowledged and revived is through local businesses as a gimmick. Some are now seen adopting the occult via themed restaurants and bars. It would be great to see a serious business that embraces the Wiccan or pagan themes in all aspects.

Beer, Jewelry, and the Witchy Aesthetic

One of the local establishments here sell beer that have the faces of our mythological creatures and pre-colonial gods and deities plastered on them. Skin care products that use essential oils are now also using witchy terms to garner attention. Some use witchy terms or use witchcraft as an inspiration to name their shops, or to name their pieces. Jewelry and apparel brands are also seen embracing the witchy or indigenous aesthetic. Usually, Iโ€™d complain because people are only attaching themselves to the craft as a trend. But for now, they are helping raise awareness and Iโ€™ll take what I can get. The local community for contemporary witches is still so very small. It may not be something our persecuted pagan ancestors ever imagined, but itโ€™s a start.

Photography by Kristine Ibanez

Dig Deeper to Find Answers

Now, if you ask an older generation Filipino, theyโ€™ll give you the local version of โ€œwitchesโ€ they grew up believing. Information from the myths and legends of the land passed down from generation to generation, being kept alive by believers of the community, published books, or by historical documentation. To find the information you seek about witches, one must research intently or visit our provinces, as most of our local indigenous witches live in the forests and mountains. 

Meet Guest Writer: Kris Artemis

Kris Artemis is a spiritual being trying to navigate the material world as best as she can while trying to offer clarity and guidance to those who seek it. She has been giving tarot card readings, palm readings, rune readings, dream interpretations, astrological forecast, and spiritual advise for over 15 years. With her Sagittarius sun, Gemini moon, and Sagittarius rising, you can be sure she will impart her knowledge best way she canโ€” with honesty and comedy.

A natural clairgonizant, she experienced her first download at age 12 which led her to research the word “psychic” and ultimately, witchcraft. Her years spent honing her skills was not without trials and only wishes to impart the wisdom she has gained to her querents and her sisters in the craft. Her sacred goal in this lifetime is for the people who seek her services, that may she offer them the best answers possible for a better outcome. Her testimonials will confirm her work ethic and her compassion. You can contact Kris Artemis at the following social media sites: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/The.Artemis.School IG and tiktok: @the_artemis_school @kris_artemis theartemisschool777@gmail.com

thank you for making an article like this! im a filipino gen z and i’ve been trying to know more about my traditional roots. this article is really helpful, thank you ever so much for making it. and don’t lose hope, there’s a lot more of the young generation who want to know more about our past traditions (and bring them back) than we realize. we just don’t voice it out in this conservative country. so people like you who voice these out are a big help to us. sadly my household are conservative christians so i can’t even dare to speak of my interest in witches. but i still want to learn more about our past, our present, to help define the future of this country. your article is definitely a big step in my learnings, and quite possibly, the new generation of the filipino. again, thank you ever so much.

I enjoyed reading your blog! I am currently practicing Witchcraft and I’m interested in a Traditional and Modern practice. There are a lot of Witchcraft resources that come from other countries so it’s hard to find and barely have any resources for Filipino Witchcraft in a Traditional sense.

Hello! I am filipino. One side of my family from Visaya, had ancestors who were magick healers. My great auntie confirmed to me our family was Albularyu (she corrected me that itโ€™s spelled this way in tagalog). The practice was passed down hereditarily. However, a great grandfather stopped passing down the practice because it took an energetic toll on our family. However, generations later spiritual gifts appeared in family members anyways. She calls it having a third eye. Our albularyu family was able to talk and see the dead and other spirits. They also used herbs and oils for healing. There is no known family member at this time who holds this practice, so it may be lost in our family. However, our family still holds the gifts. And I am a baby-witch hoping to rediscover these lost practices of my ancestors.

Hi, Desiree Orque. I’m so interested about your story and Tagalog Magick in general. I’m also a Filipino and I practice western Magick although learning about my own cultural path would mean wonders to me. Would love to hear more from you about it! Sending positive energy your way.

Witches and witchcraft is relatively modern in the philippines and was never mentioned until around the 60s or 70s. I would know as both a euro-filipino and as a relative of an indigenous tribe member. ๐Ÿ‘Ž best to check your research and make sure it’s from just more than one perspective. ๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿ‘Ž
blessed be. ๐Ÿ‘Ž

This was written by a woman who was born and raised and still lives in the Philippines. The term “witch” can mean many things.

Hi Water Gypsy,
I’m wondering where you got your information about witches and witchcraft. I would also love to read it. I’m researching Filipino witchcraft and want to get my information right. If you could help that would be great!! Thanks a bunch and blessed be.

I think you need to read again as your family come from one of thousands of tribes. My family are spiritual and practice a lot of these rituals and thatโ€™s how Iโ€™ve found myself here to research. My family believe we come from strong spiritual lines and that we all have an open third eye. Each to their own.

Enjoyed reading your article. It pleases me to see that their is actually someone in the craft in the Philippines. The first thing I did when I moved to Baguio was to find a shop that sold insence, quarts, and other supplies. I was greatful to find a shop downtown on Session Road. I was thinking about opening up my own shop and starting a group here in Baguio. Peace be with you….So mote it be.

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