Witch Nails: Dark and Cute CLAWS for Sabbats & Spells

Witch Nails for Halloween, Sabbats, and Intentions

I will not lie to you, Oracle, I am a fan of pampering myself. And one of those ways in which I do so is by getting my nails and toenails done on a regular basis. Something I’ve discovered in the years that I’ve been getting my manis and pedis is this – your fingernails can be an extension of your witchy-ness. Just as your clothes and makeup can make you feel a certain witchy way, so can your nails. Here you’ll find both dark and cute witch nails ideas here for your next sabbat, Halloween, or just to make yourself feel a little more witchy this month.

How Can a Witch’s Nails Be Magical?

I shouldn’t really have to answer this, because if you’re here, you already know how magical your nails can make you feel. They can change your mood, your vibe, your MAGICK. Having witch nails can make you feel powerful, beautiful, sexy, and put-together. Just like a witchy outfit can.

Let’s explore what fingernails and toenails actually do. Fingernails are used physically for functionality – they help us grab things, hold onto things, and once helped us climb and protect ourselves in prehistoric times. Toenails also did something similar. Essentially, in modern times, fingernails and toenails are extensions of our fingers and toes. Technically, we don’t need toenails as much as we still need our fingernails…that’s just evolution for you.

Witch nails - black with sparkles, stiletto
Black with sparkles to feel cosmic and powerful.

Choosing YOUR Witch Nails Based on COLOR Magick

The first thing I like to think about when I get my witchy nails done is the color. Does the color I choose reflect my mood and/or a specific magical intention, a period in my life, OR a season or particular upcoming sabbat? Here are some colors to go with each of these categories.

Colors for Nails Based on the Witch’s Mood and Intentions:

  • Black: choose this color for your nails if you’re feeling mysterious, powerful, and extra-witchy
  • White: this color goes great on your witch nails if you’re feeling innocent, purified, connected to the Universe, and connected to the guides
  • Blue: depending on the shade, blue nails will enhance feelings of peace, healing, communication, and emotions
  • Purple: magical mood, feeling indulgent in self care, like royalty
  • Pink: to enhance feelings of femininity, sexuality, romance, and friendliness
  • Red: if you’re feeling passionate, lustful, seductive, driven, angry, or need to boost your self empowerment
  • Orange: this color on a witch’s nails boosts motivation, self confidence, creativity, and sexuality
  • Yellow: this color will enhance career success, help you navigate complex emotions, boost energy, and communication
  • Green: choose this color for your witch nails if you are feeling the love or need more love, to connect to the earth and goddess, for faery magick, growth, to ground yourself and to draw prosperity

Seasonal and Sabbatic Witch Nails

This is typically how I do my witch nails when I’m not choosing colors by mood or intention. I like to celebrate each sabbat and season in the way I dress all the way down to the color on my nails and toes. Here’s a few ideas for you:

  • Yule: red, green, gold, white nails with seasonal designs like reindeer, Santa, elves, Yule tree, ornaments, suns, stars and moons
  • Imbolc: light blue, light green, white nails with sheep, white flowers, brigid’s cross or Celtic knot designs
  • Ostara: all pastel colors especially light green, blue, pink, and yellow with designs of eggs, bunnies, grass, flowers
  • Beltane: bright yellow, orange, red with designs of fire and flames
  • Summer Solstice: green, purple, pink, blue, and rich colored nails with designs of flowers, suns, fairies, animals, etc.
  • Lughnasadh: deep red, gold, orange, and brown nails with grapes, suns, blackberry designs
  • Mabon: deep red, yellow, gold, orange, brown nails with acorns, pinecones, fall designs
  • Samhain: all out Halloween type witch nails in black, red, purple, green, etc. with bats, witches, brooms, moons, skeletons, skulls, pumpkins, etc.

Dark and Gothic Witch Nails Ideas

Here are a few ideas for gothic witch nails that you can take to the graveyard, coven feast, or to a funeral:

Witchy nails in red and black chevron

There’s something about black and red witchy nails that make a woman feel more like an enchantress than anything else. Seriously, slap a chevron design on there in apple red and black and you’ll be turning heads like the Queen Ravenna.

Vampire nails that double as a witch's

I’m also keenly aware that dark, gothic witch nails can double as vampire nails at Halloween. But just know this – many an accused witch back in the day was also believed to have the ability to come back from the dead…as the UNDEAD. So…witches can be vampires and vice versa.

poison apple nails

Poison apple red screams WITCH and is perfect for Samhain and Halloween festivities. Get a spider and spidereweb design over the red and have them screaming.

Purple witchy gothic nails

A beautiful jewel tone nail in purple or royal blue or emerald is also incredibly witchy. When I don’t have blue or green on my nails, I typically have purple. Deep purples are best for your gothic months and Halloween season.

Witchy skulls for Samhain nails

Cute and Sexy Witch Nails Ideas

You don’t have to be gothic or vampiric to be a witch. There is no specific uniform of dress code. You can literally love to wear nothing but pastel pink and yellow and still be as witchy as the next person. I tend to waver between all subgenres of witchy styles. Some months I feel gothic and wear dark nails, other months I’m feminine and youthful with pastel pink and bright yellow nails. The point is – YOU define your style…so choose your witch nails that make you feel best.

Purple in varying shades of lavender is pretty, feminine, connects us to the Divine Feminine, and looks great in Spring and Summer.

Cosmic nails for a witch or for someone who’s really intro astrology are unique and FUN. Choose black or navy blue with gold or silver accents like above.

Lilac nails with stiletto shape and transparent floral design. Sexy, feminine, and witchy.

MORE Witchy Fashion and Lifestyle Blogs:

Witch Nails Ideas

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