Working a job can be stressful. Tell me if this isn’t how you feel. You’re cooped up in a building all day, five plus days a week, with little sunlight. You sit in front of your computer screen and barely go outside to re-charge. Maybe you even have a co-worker who visits your cubicle or desk, bringing her drama and negative energy along with her. When she leaves, her negativity lingers in the air and sometimes sinks its claws into you. Then you find yourself in a crappy mood the rest of the day, carrying it home and spreading it to the rest of the family. Time to learn how to remove negative energy from office spaces.
Signs of Negative Energy in the Office or at Home
Before we get into the signs, keep in mind that just one or two of these things present in a household or place of business doesn’t mean the entire house is polluted with negativity. But if you’re experiencing one or more on a regular basis, and the whole household is feeling the effects, it’s likely you have a toxic environment that needs cleansing.
1. Mood Swings
When you go home or to your workplace, do you automatically find yourself in a bad mood? Maybe you were in a good mood until you stepped in the door. Mood swings or moods that come out of nowhere is the number one sign of negative energy in a house or workplace. It also doesn’t just apply to you. It could be someone else in your family who goes from happy to angry in a few seconds. Or at your workplace, a coworker or boss.
2. Financial Troubles
Lately it seems your bank accounts have been suffering, as well as your family’s prosperity. If you’re having money troubles, it’s possible this is a sign of negative energy in a house or at your job. Negative energy tends to block the flow of other energies – and money IS energy so it may be blocked by the negative. If your place of business is experiencing money problems, you may need to remove the negative vibrations.
3. Random Illness and Injury
Are people in your house getting sick inexplicably and more often lately? Random illnesses and infections are a sign of negative energy in a house or workplace. Side note: be sure to rule out mundane reasons for illness/infection in a house like changing your air filter, making sure there’s no mold in the house, dusting/cleaning regularly, etc.
4. Nightmares
One of the first signs of negative energy in a house is nightmares, in my personal opinion. Whenever I start having nightmares regularly, I know I’m past my date to cleanse my home. Bad dreams and nightmares are often caused by a build-up of negative energy in one’s house. This also includes sleep paralysis, sleep walking, and night terrors. Of course, sometimes there are medical reasons for these things. Which should be ruled out, as well.
5. Negative Thoughts
Similar to experiencing mood swings for no known reason, negative thoughts out of thin air is also a sign of negative energy build-up. Negative vibrations affects humans holistically (meaning on every level: body, mind, soul). Not just negative thoughts, but potentially out-of-body thoughts. As in you’re having violent notions or visions that aren’t your own. And you recognize it.
6. Fatigue and Sleeplessness
Your body will be weighed down by negative energy around you and cause you to feel tired. You may be extremely tired but unable to sleep well. You toss and turn but get no relief. In addition, you feel a heavy weight on your shoulders that won’t lift. This is a sign that a lot of negative energy has taken up space in your house or workplace, particularly if others are always tired too. Again, rule out medical causes, but otherwise…it could be toxic vibes.
7. Arguments and Discord
Just can’t seem to get along with your family members or roommates lately? Arguing with your coworkers over nothing? Arguments and spats are a sign of negative energy BUT also cause the negative energy in a house or place. It’s a negative feedback loop! One begets the other and so on. So, if you can, stop arguing with the folks around you. Be the first person to try to raise the vibrations.
8. Broken Glass and Objects
Clumsiness from more than one person in a house may indicate a build-up of negative vibrations. Has glass been broken more than once? Are you constantly dropping things? Negative energy weighs on our auras and can cause us to feel scattered and imbalanced thereby causing physical clumsiness.
9. Shadows
Shadows in your peripheral vision or in places they aren’t normally seen is a BIG sign of negative energy building up in your house or workplace. I don’t just mean shadows, I mean darting shadows or looming darkness. This could be the negative energy itself OR a negative entity that’s been attracted to the negative vibrations. Shadow people, the hat man, and shadow spiders are all common entities attracted to toxic environments.
10. Losing Items
Similar to breaking things and being clumsy, losing items like your keys, jewelry, money, etc. indicates you’re dealing with negative energy that’s leaving your brain scattered. Time to cleanse, ground and center yourself.
11. Stress and Anxiety
You’re normally an easy-going, happy individual. But lately you’re stressed out for no particular reason. Maybe you’re even dealing with panic attacks or constant worrying. These are signs of negative energy getting stuck in a place. It’s effecting your ability to cope with daily stressors. (Here’s how to use witchcraft to relieve anxiety.)
12. Miscommunications
It doesn’t matter what you say or how you say it, your family member is mad at you. All the time lately. Not being able to articulate your emotions or thoughts clearly PLUS your family members not understanding your intentions is a sign of negative energy in the house or office.
13. Accidents
Accidents in the workplace or in the house tend to happen. With or without negative energy building up. However, if they’re happening more than usual, it could be a sign it’s time to cleanse and bless your space. Sometimes certain traumatic accidents can draw negative emotions and toxicity to a house or workplace, so be aware of that too.
14. Death and Tragedy
Death isn’t caused by negative energy, necessarily. But when a death takes place in a home or other space, and particularly if it isn’t expected, residual energy can linger and cause issues. Sometimes a person’s ghost or piece of their soul is left behind at the site of their death, also causing negative emotions and environment. If you’re living in a house where there was a recent tragedy, it could very well be a hotspot for low level entities and residual energy buildup.
How to Remove Negative Energy from Office Space (Or Anywhere)
- Sound: nature sounds, singing bowls, native flutes
- Crystals and stones
- White light visualization
- Essential oils
- Indoor plants
- Salt
1. Cleansing Office Space with Sound
You can’t effectively learn how to remove negative energy from office spaces without using sound of some kind. If you have your own office, or if you can stay after hours when no one else is around, play nature sounds to cleanse the negative vibes. Nature sounds with a cleansing effect include: rain, ocean waves, babbling brooks, and wind. Tibetan singing bowls and Native flutes are great for cleansing negative energy too. Find nature sounds and Tibetan singing bowl music on spotify, iTunes, Pandora, SoundCloud, and virtually any other music service on the market today. If you have your own Tibetan singing bowl, the effect is even more powerful! Try to repeat this routine once a month, if possible.
2. Energy-Absorbing Crystals
Another easy and effective way of cleansing negative energy from your work space is by using crystals. Some crystals have the unique ability of absorbing negative energy in the environment. My favorites for this job include:Â black tourmaline, black onyx, and black obsidian. Black stones and crystals draw in the negative vibes and ground them before they even touch you. Black tourmaline is particularly successful in soaking up negative energy radiating from technology like computers, cell phones, TVs and more. Keep a small black tourmaline stone next to your work computer at all times.Â
Positive-vibe Crystals for the Office
When we remove something from the environment, like negative vibes, we should replace it with something else – positive vibes. The best stones for bringing positive vibes into a workspace include: selenite, rose quartz, turquoise, jade and citrine. Selenite is a high vibrational stone, which means it constantly emits positive, angelic energy. This also means it never needs to be cleansed as it is self-cleansing. Rose quartz is the love stone – it promotes compassion and peace in the workplace (both things every workplace desperately needs more of!) Turquoise helps stimulate conversation and friendly bonding in the workplace, and jade brings feelings of ease in stressful situations. Citrine is an energizer and joy-bearer. You can keep this stones and crystals on your desk, on a shelf, or leave them in a drawer and pull them out when needed. Wearing these crystals to work is also quite effective.
3. White Light Visualization
Let’s say you forget everything I taught you in how to remove negative energy from office spaces. Let’s say you just take ONE thing away from this article. It will be this – white light visualization. This method is as easy as you closing your eyes, breathing in and out mindfully for a few breaths. Imagine a white light that penetrates your entire being and radiates out from your body into the atmosphere around you. Visualize it encircling your desk. This white light acts not only as a protective barrier between you and the negative vibes around you, but it also cleanses you and your space of negative vibes that are already there. Keep the image in your mind for as long as you can. Use this visualization technique as often as necessary.
4. Essential Oils for Positivity
Here we’ll learn how to remove negative energy from office spaces using aroma. Most of us don’t have the ability to smudge with sage in our office space. A. because most people might complain about the smoke and the smell and B. because it might set off the smoke alarms or fire sprinklers. Then everyone would REALLY be in a funky mood. Instead, consider diffusing essential oils at your desk. This is particularly easy if you have your own office space, but even if you don’t, ask your nearest co-workers if they mind the scent. If diffusing the oil is too much for your co-workers, dab a little bit of the essential oil on your sleeves or sprinkle some on your desk.
Peppermint, lavender, lemon, lemongrass, rose, eucalyptus and orange are all wonderful cleansing essential oils to remove negative energy from an office space. Another effective method is to drop some of the essential oil on a rag or paper towel and rub it over your desk and workspace. Smells amazing and cleanses the negative vibes!
5. Peace-making Office Plants
People often forget one of the best things for a closed space – live plants! You might be thinking, my space is too dark for a plant to thrive. Well, you’re wrong! There are plants that live well in low light and medium light. Plants not only provide us with life-giving oxygen, they also clean the negative vibes out of the air. Some indoor plants that can handle low light include: ZZ plant, ivy, pothos, philodendron, and lucky bamboo. Peace lilies do well in low light, cleanse negative energy and transmute it into peaceful, loving energy. Perfect for the stress-inducing workplace! Consider this – if you have a co-worker whom regularly causes stress in your life, why not gift him or her a peace lily? Not only are you showing you care about their well-being, but the plant itself will help absorb negative energy before they even leave their desk!
6. Salt
Salt is one of the most effective negative-energy absorbing ingredients there is. No, you probably can’t spread it over the threshold to your office or cubile. However, a bowl of salt on your office desk or even a small container of salt in your desk drawer will work wonders. If it’s in a container, make sure you open the container while you’re there so that the salt can absorb any negativity near you. If you’re allowed to have lamps on your desk, consider a Himalayan salt lamp. This lamp has a nice, relaxing glow to it PLUS the particles it releases are said to cleanse the air of negative energy!
PROECTION Spell Kit: SHIELD the Home from Negative Energy
SHIELD the Home Protection Spell Kit for deflection and warding of Negative Energy entering and affecting the household. Includes a beautiful set of handmade witch’s bells, cedar tip herb bundle, herbal protective oil, herbal infused salt, 4 small raw crystals, and instruction card.
After You Leave Work for the Day…
So many people get caught up in their job as if its their entire life. It’s not. You have more to live for than a paycheck. You are more than a paycheck. You deserve happiness and positiveness and so do your co-workers (as hard as that might be to admit). When you leave your office space for the day, leave the stress and drama behind you too. Don’t bring it home and let it affect your home life. If you are still angry or feeling drained of energy during the ride home from work, when you get home – do yourself and your family a favor. Ground that negative energy by touching the nearest tree or by simply wiping your feet at the door. While you touch the tree or wipe your feet, say to yourself that you’re grounding the negative energy from your office and then let it go. You are free to enjoy your life without your office’s negativity keeping you down. I hope I’ve successfully taught you how to remove negative energy from office spaces. We all need more happy co-workers to work with!
This article was extremely insightful with useful information. I will be able to implement these tools/techniques immediately. Thank you so much!
That was so helpful thank you, I work with a really negative woman who is so horrible to me
Thank you definitely trying these
Dawn – Please try these out and let us know!