When life seems like a roller coaster ride of emotions, stress and uncertainty, what do you do? Personally, I have to remind myself to rely on my practice. Witchcraft isn’t just about doing spells during the happy times. It’s there for us to run to during the hard times, too. Otherwise, what’s the point in having a spiritual system that doesn’t help us during break-ups, financial hardships, deaths and other tribulations? For those of you who need peace and comfort in your life right now, here are my personal witchcraft practices for you to try.
We All Struggle Sometimes And Need Peace & Comfort
Whether you’re a witch or layperson, we all go through trying and difficult times. Life is full of ups and downs. Peaks and valleys. Sometimes those downs are almost too much to bear. But we have to press on. I have some good news. If you’re a witch, you have the ability to find peace and comfort through your practice. Some of us forget when life gets hard we have a spiritual means of relieving the stress. We have witchcraft. Here some ways to use it to find that serenity and to decompress.
1. Grab a Crystal
When I have terrible nightmares or when I feel scattered, the first thing I do is grab a favorite crystal. I keep black tourmaline, rose quartz and obsidian on my nightstand so if I’m struggling with sleep I can reach over and grab one. It helps to absorb negative thoughts and energies and ground me. It may seem simple, but holding a favorite crystal, rock or object of any kind can bring instant relief in hard times (even if only a little bit). Rose quartz is also great to encourage self love and peaceful vibes.
2. Calling on Your Gods, Guides and Ancestors
2016 was a difficult year for me. Lots of tough decisions and emotions clouded my head and sometimes the only thing I could do was pray. I prayed to my goddess and my ancestors for peace during some of my hardest moments. And I felt my gods and ancestors’ presence. They were there to comfort me and keep me sane. Goddesses for comfort and peace include Kuan Yin, Sophia, Berchta, Mary and Brigid.
3. Witchcrafts and Artwork
Anxiety, depression or dread building up in your head? Sometimes distraction is the best therapy. Dwelling on things you can’t change or things that haven’t happened yet is unhealthy and unproductive. I know how hard it is to get out of that mindset, so do yourself a favor and distract yourself with witch-crafting and artwork. Make a witch’s ladder, a seasonal wreath, a witch’s bottle or jar. Paint a picture and vent your frustrations. Write a poem, spell, letter, whatever distracts you (or releases) from negative thoughts and overwhelming emotions.

4. Blue Candle Peace Ritual
I don’t know how many times I’ve heard in the witchcraft community that you shouldn’t cast spells when you’re emotional. This is simply not true. Turn to your witchcraft when you’re in hard times. It’s there to help heal and comfort you. Try lighting a light blue candle and say, “Dear Goddess/Universe/Ancestors, bring me peace during trying times. Give me wisdom to make the right choices. Comfort me at my worst.” Continue to pray as you focus on the flame burning away your sorrows.
5. The Violet Flame
This is a new age practice that I use in my own witchcraft practice. Even though I’m “old-school”, I use this healing method because it is effective. The Violet Flame is a high-vibrational spiritual frequency attuned to the violet healing light of the Divine. Its a gift to us and taught to us by ascended master Saint Germain. We can call on this violet flame energy to heal ourselves and others, once we understand how to invoke it. Click here to learn how to use the violet flame invocation for healing and peace.
6. Time in Nature
When I feel like crap physically, mentally or spiritually, the best therapy is going outside. I work in my garden or simply sit and observe. I listen to the birds calling, the wind in the trees, the sounds of bugs buzzing by. I tune out my problems and mind chatter in exchange for connection with Mother Earth. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – Mother Nature is the best therapy and is always there for us during troubling times.

7. Cleansing Rituals for Peace and Comfort
Often we forget how important magical maintenance of home and self truly is. Number one practice is cleansing. Are you depressed or anxious? Is your household or family in turmoil? Let me ask you something – when is the last time you did a full house or self cleansing ritual? Time to cleanse away the negative vibes and invite in peace and comfort with smoke-cleansing, high-vibrational sounds, music, bells and healing baths.
8. Hugging
I’m sure you’re scratching your head on this one. How is hugging a witchcraft practice? Well, have you ever felt the magick in a simple hug from a loved one or friend? Are you a closed off person who doesn’t allow for much physical contact? Everyone needs physical touch to feel loved and validated. Not only that, but science shows a twenty second hug releases the love hormone oxytocin. Which raises your vibrations and relieves anxiety/depression, etc. So hug your beloved friend or family member! I promise you’ll feel better.
9. Drink Herbal Tea to Relieve Stress
I swear whenever I have a problem, I run to my herb cabinet and tea kettle. Have anxiety about a new job? There’s a tea for that. Need mental clarity to take a test? There’s a tea for that. Having marital problems? There’s a tea for that. You don’t have to have an entire herb cabinet. There’s a few teas that are great for comfort and peace in any situation including: chamomile, rose, mint, lavender, red clover and lemon balm.
10. House Plants
Certain house plants bring peace into the home and help quell quarrels among family members. Some examples include: anthurium, bromeliads, ivies and crocus. Tend to them and keep them healthy and your household will know peace and comfort.
11. Ritual Baths for Peaceful Vibes
When everyone’s out of the house, I make it a habit to take a long, relaxing ritual bath. It helps to cleanse away negative vibrations and invite in the positive. Add some herbs like lavender or rose petals and epsom salts directly to the water to amplify the effects. Consider playing relaxing meditation music, Celtic flutes, or whatever music eases your nerves. If you need to have a good cry, let it out! Tears cleanse our emotional bodies.
12. Aromatherapy
Sometimes life is so hard and sometimes terrible things happen. And we don’t have the energy to do any kind of crafting or bathing. But maybe, just maybe, you’ll at least have the energy to turn on an essential oil diffuser. Or light a scented candle. Either way, aromatherapy is a quick and easy way to remind us to breathe and sets us at ease. Eucalyptus, lavender, and lemongrass are all perfect for emotional situations.