How to Smudge Your Home: Full Tutorial and Smudging Affirmations

How to Smudge Your Home: Full Tutorial & Cleansing Affirmations

Maybe you’ve heard of this phenomenon called smudging (smoke-cleansing). Maybe you’ve like to learn how to smudge your home. Here we provide a full tutorial on how to smudge plus answer the question does smudging work? We also give tips on what kind of herbs to use in your smudging rituals and simple smudging affirmations.

What is Smudging and What We Call It Now

Smudging is a spiritual ritual in which a bundle of sacred herbs is burned and the smoke from the bundle emanates throughout a room or over a person to clear out negative energy. This is a cleansing ritual used in many spiritual paths that dates back to ancient times. Multiple cultures, including the Native Americans and ancient Celts and Romans, used the smoke of plants to clear a space in preparation for rituals and for healing purposes.

UPDATE: Since originally writing this post, the terminology for smudging has changed and depends on whether you are indigenous American or not. If you are not indigenous, it is widely accepted that now we refer to this ritual as smoke-cleansing. Or simply cleansing. The ritual of smudging is a very specific ritual developed and used by indigenous people only. Unfortunately, now that this post has been out on the web for some years, I am unable to fully change the title, URL, etc. So just please be aware of the terminology you use going forward.

How to Smudge (Smoke Cleanse) Your Home: Full Tutorial

Are you feeling as though your home is being blocked or invaded by negative vibes? Perhaps you feel like a negative spirit is visiting your home. Either way, consider smudging to cleanse your space and set it right. How do you smudge your home? It’s actually quite simple. First, open a couple of windows. Negative energy isn’t eliminated completely, it has to go somewhere. So let it escape through a window. If you leave the windows closed, you serve to potentially anger any negative spirits trapped inside the house.

WARNING: Always, always, always open a window or two to let the negative energy escape! It has to go somewhere!

Smudging Your Home Step-by-Step:

  1. Start at the front door of your house. You’re going to move from room to room in a counter-clockwise fashion.
  2. Light one end of your smudge bundle with the flame of a candle (if you light it directly with a lighter/match, the herb bundle won’t stay lit for long). Have an abalone shell or fireproof container underneath the bundle to catch the ashes.
  3. Walk through each room, letting the smoke reach every corner of every room (use your hand or a feather to fan the smoke out in all directions). As you move through the house, say a prayer or chant like this: “In the name of God, I cleanse this room of all negative energy.” (See below for more smudging affirmations.) Repeat the affirmation as many times as you’d like.
  4. Repeat this until all of your rooms have been thoroughly smudged. If there’s a spirit energy or intense negativity, smudge your garage, attic, basement, and closets too.
  5. You should end your smudging ritual back at your front door. State, “it is done, amen, etc.”

Smudging Affirmations and Prayers

Depending on your religion and beliefs, use any of the following provided smudging affirmations, make up your own, or tailor them to suit you. Some of my favorite smudging affirmations and prayers include:

  • “All negative energy must go away. Only positive energy can stay.”
  • “In the name of God/Universe/Spirit, I cleanse all negative energy from this space.”
  • “Negativity that invades my sacred space, I banish you with the light of grace.”
  • “Into this smoke, I release all negative energy from my home that no longer serves me.”
  • “Bless this space with smudging smoke. We release all negative energy from this home.”
Use smudging affirmations while letting the smoke from sage fill your home with positive vibes.
Garden sage works just as well in smudging bundles as white sage!

Why Smudge Your Home? Does Smudging Work?

Why should you smudge your home? When negative energies build up in your home, it can wreak havoc on its residents. This could include familial arguments, attracting negative spirits, illness, injury and misfortune of many kinds. Not to mention, it will block one’s personal growth and spirituality. Smudging your home also allows for positive energy to flow more freely, which means blessings for all inhabitants! So, in answering the question does smudging work, in my experience (among many others’), it truly does.

Different Herbs for Smudging

There are many kinds of herbs for smudging your home; some popular ones include white sage, cedar, sweetgrass, Dakota sage, garden sage, lavender, rose, pine needles, juniper, and even red willow bark. Many of the traditional Native American herbs are, however, in danger of being over-harvested. This includes the sacred herb white sage. Instead of buying white sage and adding to the over-harvesting issue, grow your own smudging herbs in your garden (or in pots in a window). For example, I grow rosemary in my garden. It’s easy to grow and harvest and easily tied up into bundles for smudging rituals.

NOTE: Make sure whatever herb you’re using for smudging isn’t toxic when burned AND has purifying effects.

PROECTION Spell Kit: SHIELD the Home from Negative Energy


SHIELD the Home Protection Spell Kit for deflection and warding of Negative Energy entering and affecting the household. Includes a beautiful set of handmade witch’s bells, cedar tip herb bundle, herbal protective oil, herbal infused salt, 4 small raw crystals, and instruction card.

FULL Step by Step Smudging Tutorial: How to Smudge Your Home + Smudging Affirmations!

23 thoughts on “How to Smudge Your Home: Full Tutorial & Cleansing Affirmations

  1. My husband found a baby toad that seem to appear out of nowhere in my daughter bedroom he flushed it down the toilet then 2 weeks later got into a terrible accident. The morning of the accident our granddaughter won’t stop crying she cried all night into morning to the point where I had to leave the house at 1am to walk upon exiting just outside our gate was some twigs and stuff right where my husband had passed to get to his car, Things have been happening to us as a family since can you guide me on what to do?

    1. Thank you for mentioning cultural appropriation! Being part Seneca, it means a lot to us. Some get discouraged because smudging is sacred to our people. Even the word smudge is misused by many. It doesn’t bother everyone because we all have our own opinions. But I had to say thanks for giving the options of other cleansing herbs. My favorite is cedar, lavender or Palo.

  2. I love the ritual of smudging, unfortunately, I’m very allergic to most plants used for the ritual. Is there another way to smudge/clear a house without using the traditional herbs and plants?

    1. Hi Tova… Have You heard of using Bells… They Clear Negative Energy Too… Just Ring a Bell, 3 Times at start of house and Continue Process through House… Alot of Drums work too( The ones with the beads on the Side are Great. People always forget the Power of Sound. Blessings Sent X

  3. After reading all this info, I felt confident ,that there is a solution.Thanks for all the interesting thoughts,and ideas.

  4. I have been told that smudging only works when preformed by a native “medicine man” is that true? Or. Can anyone do it?

    1. the term “smudging” is technically a native practice. but anyone can cleanse with smoke! just like i’ve instructed here.

    2. I hear this true I live is Az alot of native Americans here So yes I’ve been told this is true. But why not try. I still do =-)

  5. Although the smell of sage is detrimental to my head, I smudge often. I like to cleanse my living/work space as it makes me feel free and peaceful.

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