Bastet: 9 Ways to Work With the Egyptian Cat Goddess

Bastet: 12 Ways to Work With the Egyptian Cat Goddess of the Home

Today, Bastet is one of the more popular Egyptian goddesses. But when you look up ways to honor and work with her in your practice, there’s mostly superficial level recommendations. At least from my research. Which I plan to remedy as best I can here. In this article, we talk about her amazing, divine qualities and provide simple ways to work with the Egyptian cat goddess.

Who is Bastet? A History of the Egyptian Cat Goddess

Bastet, originally Ubaste or Bast, is the Egyptian cat goddess often depicted in Egyptian TV scenes, movies, and books. She is typically represented by the image of a cat. Or she takes the form of an attractive woman with the head of a cat. Scholars believe this goddess might have once been the Egyptian lion-headed goddess of war Sekhmet. But over time, her persona softened and she became a new deity – Bastet.

According to Judika Iles, Bastet’s cult “began in the Nile Delta swamps.” Her worship began around 3500 BC but gained popularity around 950 BC. Her major temple was at the cult center city Bubastis, where her annual festival was held. Boats floated up the Nile River traveling to Bubastis, full of women letting their hair down, so to speak, and ritually lifting their skirts to expose themselves. Sounds crazy today, but then it was a means of laughter and celebrating the female body and sexuality. The ancient festival was a time to drink, dance, celebrate one another’s beauty, and chase away illness and evil spirits.

Bastet’s Magical Domains

Bastet calls to those she feels are worthy. If you’ve been called to work with the cat goddess, consider yourself blessed! If you own a cat, you’re more likely to be chosen by Bastet. She also is patron of mothers, healers, magicians, diviners, dancers, and musicians. She rules over physical and spiritual domains including: protection of the home, women and children, marriage, protection of cats, she wards off illness, promotes fertility, and aids in childbirth. Sexuality, reverie, perfume, beauty, and war are also her domain.

Bastet is associated with the Eye of Ra, the Sun and the moon. This liminal goddess is a psychopomp – one who guides the dead to the afterlife. You can call on Bastet to protect your home and business from evil spirits and contagious disease (think of how cats are kept in barns to ward off mice, rats, and other vermin).

How Does Bastet Manifest? What Does She Look Like?

In my experience, when I’ve seen Bastet in visions and dreams, she almost always comes to me in the form of a beautiful, seductive woman. She is quite cat-like and even has a cat’s face with whiskers and nose. Yet her body is a woman’s and is typically clothed in white with a gold belt. When I’ve seen her, she’s usually standing in a desert and sort of appears like a mirage. Blurry then comes into focus. But, keep in mind, how she appears in my visions and meditations might be different from yours. In addition, when she comes to me in the physical world, it’s almost always through the appearance of a black cat.

Bastet often manifests in woman form with cat-like features, or as a black cat in the physical realms.

Listen to our podcast on Bastet:

Signs Bastet Is Calling You

There are typically signs and messages sent to us by gods and goddesses when they want our attention. And they usually want our attention when they want us to be their devotees or work with them on a common goal. Here are some signs Bastet is calling to you:

  • Cats start showing up everywhere
  • A black cat runs across the road in front of you
  • Strays start following you home and begging for food
  • You hear Bastet’s name on the TV, in the movies, online, etc.
  • Her name pops up in a random conversation or in a song
  • You dream of a black cat, cats, or Bastet herself
  • You’re drawn to Ancient Egypt and its religion/magic
  • You’ve always been more of a sun person than a moon person
  • You’re starting a home or family or moving into a new home

12 Ways to Honor and Work With Bastet

As you get to know the Lady of Perfumes, the way you work with her in your spiritual practice will grow and be unique to your path. Here are a few ways to get started working with the Egyptian Cat Goddess:

1. Read and Research

This will always be number one when working with any goddess, god or spirit. Read, study, and research her history, origins, read the myths she took part in. What was her role in Ancient Egypt? Her favorite offerings? Getting to know Bastet’s qualities and stories is number one in honoring her as a goddess. Unfortunately, we don’t know as much about her as you’d think we would. Start by simple Google searches and pay special attention to Sacred Texts website. You’ll find Bastet is mentioned in lots of tomb inscriptions and pyramid texts moreso than written Egyptian mythology.

2. Set Up a Bastet Altar

Designate a shelf, tabletop, or credenza as Bastet’s altar. Place a statue or representation of her there. Also a few candles, incense and burner, and a few of her symbols like the Eye of Ra and the Ankh. Giving her sacred space honors her energy and gives you a place to contact her directly.

3. Offerings for Bastet

Once you’ve set up a Bastet altar, providing appropriate offerings is another way to start working with her. Bastet, being the Lady of Perfumes, loves perfume of all kinds. Give her whole bottles OR spritz some perfume around her altar. Tell her why you’re giving her each offering. Frankincense and myrrh incense is another traditional offering to Bastet. Anything cat-related: particularly the catnip herb is a great offering too. In years past, I’ve grown it in my garden, harvested it and given her the first harvest. I’ve also found she enjoys: wine, beer, tea, chamomile and myrrh essential oils, jasmine and lavender incense.

4. Play the Sistrum

The sistrum is a traditional ancient Egyptian instrument. Bastet holds a sistrum in many of her depictions and statues. It was used in ritual in ancient Egyptian times. Purchase a sistrum online (Amazon carries them!) and play it when you’re invoking Bastet in ritual or simply to honor her. Dancing is another favored activity.

5. Care for Cats

If you don’t have a cat, adopt a cat in Bastet’s honor. Tell her that you’re adopting a cat in her name. Bastet, being the Egyptian cat goddess, adores people who are cat-lovers and owners. If you can’t care for a cat, volunteer at a shelter or rescue to help care for cats without homes OR donate items for cats: cat food, blankets, toys, etc.

Learn how to work with any of the old gods in our book:

Compendium of Pagan Gods BOOK: Signed Copy


Grab a signed paperback copy of Kitty Fields’ Compendium of Pagan Gods, Volume 1 in The Otherworldly Oracle Collection. 333 pages of detailed info on how to work with the ancient deities.

Prayer to the egyptian cat goddess.
Prayer to Bastet inspired by a tomb inscription.

6. Make an Egyptian Cat Goddess Ointment

Bastet’s name translates to “She of the Ointment Jar”. Which indicates she was associated with ointments in ancient Egypt. Craft a special protection ointment for Bastet, be sure to include catnip or other herbs linked to cats or ancient Egypt. Once it’s made, leave some on her altar as an offering and keep some to anoint yourself with during ritual to invoke Bastet’s protection.

7. Throw a Bastet Festival

If your friends or family is willing, throw a Bastet party! Bastet was honored in her cult center the city of Bubastic on a yearly basis. The Egyptians threw a huge festival in her honor complete with drinking, dancing, and crazy revelry! Even having a dinner party with wine and dancing in Bastet’s name would be a huge honor to her.

8. Sunbathing

Bathe in the sunlight and honor Bastet, the cat goddess. After all, cats love bathing in the sun, don’t they? In the summer, throw on some sunblock and go outside. Feel the sun’s warmth and rays and know that Bastet’s energy is vibrating through you. Bask in the sunlight like a cat!

9. Celebrate YOUR Sexuality

It doesn’t matter what your gender or sexual preference is, Bastet beckons to her followers to celebrate their own sexuality. To celebrate their bodies and honor themselves, even when others don’t. By appreciating and loving yourself, all aspects of yourself, you embody the Egyptian cat goddess Bastet. She’s smiling upon you!

10. Work in the Liminal Spaces

As Bastet is a cat, she is a liminal creature and can move between worlds with ease. If you’re not working in liminal space, try it in honor of this loving goddess. This means working on your dreams, intuition, meditation and trance, and more. If you’re unsure what liminal space means, listen to our full podcast on it here: Otherworldly Oracle Official Podcast: Liminal Space.

11. Grow Catnip

An easy herb to grow and one that pleases Bastet greatly…grow catnip in your garden OR in a pot on your windowsill. Then harvest it and dry it and offer some to your cats. AND of course, offer some to Bastet. My cats go nuts for the real stuff grown in my garden…not so much for the stuff bought in the store. We enjoy sprinkling catnip over our Bastet statue and watching our actual cats go nuts for the stuff! It’s like a double offering. And we get to enjoy the reaction too.

12. Invoke Bastet in your Moon Rituals

Since Bastet is linked to the Moon, consider including her in your moon rituals. Bathing, self worship, home and hearth, and psychic abilities are all areas of enjoyment for the cat goddess. And can be worked into the esbats while invoking Bastet’s warmth and protection.

As You Get To Know Bastet…

The more you work with Bastet, the more you’ll get to know her. What she likes, how she helps you, how to invoke her in ritual, etc. These suggestions might become second-nature AND you’ll add your own magical and spiritual practices to the list. You’ll even learn things about her that no book or website could teach you. For instance, when she wants an offering or simply wants your attention, you might start seeing black cats everywhere!

More Egyptian Magick:

Bastet: 9 Ways to Work With the Egyptian Cat Goddess

35 thoughts on “Bastet: 12 Ways to Work With the Egyptian Cat Goddess of the Home

  1. One of our adorable lil family kitties (and it was the girl) Tia came in and started meowing as I reached the end of this article!
    I’m still new to Wicca and even newer to the Kemetic route I feel so called to. I’ve actually been working with Set since last October, and (he’s not evil at all in my experience); it’s the same – all he wants is to be my friend. He mentioned Bast to me and recommended I connect with her.
    I grew up with two beautiful long-haired black cats named Conan and Spock, and I’ve always loved and bonded with cats in general. Even my favorite musician was a huge cat lover!
    I’ve always been drawn to the moon, magick, and ancient Egypt. I enjoy warm sunlight, nature, beautiful things, AND my sun sign is Leo. I used to enjoy drinking a lot before I had to give it up.
    All of these synchronicities seem to point to Bast, and I want to finally hear her and embrace her to the fullest! This article was meant to be! 😻 Thank you, Lady Bast and writer! 💜

  2. It makes me so happy to read this and hear the words of others who have been called to the Lady.
    When I was growing up I was always popular with cats. I loved them, they loved me. I would be followed in the street, I even had to remove a cat from the school bus.
    The first thing I planned when I was no longer living with my parents was to get my own cat.
    As time moved on I moved home, got married, had a baby, then developed post natal depression. Very dark times but it was eventually diagnosed and I began treatment. I also started to meditate, using my mind to try to maintain a healthy mind.
    That’s when I saw Her. Her skin shone with a golden hue, Her hair, not the black “Cleopatra” look but golden curls, the same tawny tone as a lion’s mane. A gold headdress held it back from Her face and She shone. Like the sun. A warmth and power which came from within. She held nothing, wore nothing, to signify Her identity. There were no cats by Her feet, like the temple statues. She needed nothing to identify Her, Her own presence was enough. She was, and IS Bast (She never quite feels like “Bastet” to me although She acknowledges the name. She says that She will be Herself, whatever mankind calls Her. Rudyard Kipling had the right idea with the Cat who Walks by Itself, I would not be surprised to learn that he had some familiarity with our Lady).
    The most incredible thing about this meeting was not that I had met Her, nor that She had called me to Her service. In fact She told me She would not ask me to serve Her. What She asked was if I would be Her friend. Nothing more. How humbling that moment was, that a being so awesome, in every sense of the word, would ask ME to be HER friend.
    Needless to say, I agreed. I am honoured to be her friend, her servant and her priestess. I serve as a spiritual guide for cats who have passed away. Some struggle to leave their humans, feeling responsible for them, afraid they can’t cope without their feline guardian. Sometimes I DO help people, some people who lose a cat spend years looking; it can be helpful to know what has happened, even if it means the worst. I can also, sometimes, help a grieving owner who keeps “seeing” their deceased cat. These brief glimpses are a good indication that the cat is in need of help to settle into its next life (cats have 9 remember? Their next life, after living with us, is lived with Her).

    I hope it is okay that I have explained all this. The reason I have is because I know that my service to Her (as what is basically an undertaker) is not the same as most of Her followers. I am also aware that, because we are so cat oriented, the loss of one of our babies can hit us even worse than it can for other people. So I want to offer my service to any of Her other followers who are in need of it. Just reply to this message (I’ve set it to let me know if you do) and I will get back to you.
    Bast wishes to you all!

  3. Last night, I programmed a lucid dream to connect with Bastet. I was successful, but when I asked her if she was Bastet, the ancient Egyptian goddess of cats, she widened her eyes and said nothing. What does this mean?

  4. Last night, I programmed a lucid dream to connect with Bastet. I was successful, but when I came up to her and asked if she was Bastet, the ancient Egyptian goddess of cats and Lady of perfumes, she widened her eyes and said nothing. What does this mean?

  5. I too was called by Bastet without knowing about her. I found this beautiful Black cat stature in Ross about 6 years ago. She was so
    elegant! I put a real gold earring in the hole in her ear. I would rub her forehead and talk to her after my beautiful sweet cat of 11 years passed away. I am a Leo and loved cats as a child before knowing Astrology. I carry Bastet when I travel for safety and good luck. I am now ready to adopt a kitten and I know Bastet guided me to this site. Please believe, Bastet lives! Peace.

  6. Egypt succeeded in bringing back thousands of archaeological artefacts in 2021.
    In 2021, Egypt retrieved 5000 artefacts from USA.
    Egypt also brought back a bronze statue of the goddess Bastet from Canada.

  7. Quite a few years back, I made a statue of Bastet for a social studies project, and afterwards Im sure I threw it away. Recently Ive found it up in my closet, could this be a sign of anything?

  8. When I think of cats I get so emotional. I have a way of calling cats and they come to me. I love Bastet, I really believe she has called me as well as Hecate. These are the two Goddesses I hold so dearly in my heart. I have two cats and I love them so much like a parent who loves her children. May we all be blessed by Goddess Bastet.

  9. Thank you. When my cat was sick and didnt seem to be getting better I asked Bastet for her help to heal and protect my kitty, and she delivered. When I picked my cat up from the vet she was completely cured, all tests negative, so I wanted to make an offering to Bastet to thank her. I have a statue of her on my alter but will move it elsewhere as soon as I find a good space and surround it with things for her. Especially the perfume.

  10. I was at risk of a stroke and Bastet completely prevented it. She also made my car work when my wngibe was failing on the highway.

  11. I’m a gay cis-man who recently fell in love with Catwoman. I love the story how in Batman Returns, she’s meak and quiet but then channels her anger using her feline feminine power. Femininity is powerful and nothing to be ashamed of. I’m unabashedly accepting and harnessing my divine feminine that I was punished for expressing since childhood. I then found out about my Lilith in Leo placement in the first house. Being in the 1st house, Lilith will always show up in myself and body no matter how hard I try to hide it. She literally lives in me! I feel like these two Goddesses are calling to me to learn more.

    1. I’ve been a priestess of Bast for over sixty years. She is most beloved and She has never once turned Her back on me. In all my years with her She has called me to cover my head in the day and I have always done so. I have worn a tiny gold image of Her for some forty years. She has brought me joy dance and music. She is my highest Mistress.

  12. I feel like Bastet is calling me! I have always known of her, although very little. When I was a child, I found a stray kitten in the woods and named her Bastet! Unfortunately the kitten later passed, but I named her Bastet with little to no knowledge of her whatsoever.

  13. bastet basically screamed at me to work with her. iva been honoring her for so long without even knowing it. i have 5 cats and had cats all of my life! i bought a statue of her without researching her, my all time favorite smells to fill my room with is frankensence and myrrh incense, i can’t wait to work with her even more and do more research,she is so amazing💖✨❤️

    1. yeah i got yelled at too- she basically showed up to me in the form of the color purple and my first reaction was “wut” because until then i had been working with/worshiping loki- but nope apparently bast wants me so be it

  14. How do I know it’s Bastet and not something else? I’ve been honoring her, praying to her. I feel like she’s been very active in my life. Knocking to yes or no answer. Communicating through my music. Sometimes I feel like a can hear her whisper, it’s very faint.

  15. Oh diety I hail you for you are my strength, I am happy to embody you for more healing….thank you for all you have assisted me in this thing called life💜

  16. Goddess Bastet thank you for this page and me finding it, bless this writer… And thank you for the blessing.

  17. This this is great advice, thank you. I have called on Bastet, thank you Goddess Bastet for keeping us safe for now and granting me peace.

  18. I’m trying to learn more about this beautiful goddess!!! Images of black cats always pop up to me, I am extremely drawn to the colour red, and without knowing I’ve always had a statue of her! I only realised it was Bastet today! She has been trying to contact me for months! I have had a black cat for years, whenever I now meditate a cat appears with red eyes, and as I see this my cat meows and jumps up on to my lap! I am so glad I found her! Now I can honour her!

  19. This is wonderful information. I have contacted Goddess Bastet Haagenti and she is the most loving.
    I thank Godess Bastet Haagenti for keeping us safe and hope she blessed all who read this post and my words. Peace be.

    1. Everyone, believe if you keep running into her, she calls you; answer. This post is very helpful to get started. Thank you Godess Bast-hagenti, thank you for this confirmation miracle.

    1. I realise that I’ve been honouring her for years without consuously thinking about it! Will definitely follow this advice! ❤️

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