Thoth God of Writing and Wisdom

Thoth: Egyptian God of Wisdom From Atlantis and Beyond

Thoth Egyptian God of wisdom and writing calls to those he feels are intelligent, creative and seek the hidden knowledge. Maybe he’s calling to you. Learn all about his mysterious origins, power, and how to work with him in your pagan or spiritual practice.

Who Is Thoth, the Egyptian God?

Thoth is an ancient Egyptian god of wisdom, writing, mathematics, magic, medicine, balance, philosophy, and creation. The name Thoth is the Greek version of his Egyptian name Dhwty, pronounced Tehuti (they-HOO-tee). Thoth is depicted in one of two forms—as an ibis or baboon. Or as a man with the head of an ibis or baboon. Anthropomorphic gods were common in ancient Egypt.

Thoth largest cult resided in Khnum, a thriving ancient city circa 3000 BC that would later be called Hermopolis (because of Thoth’s association with the Greek god Hermes). But Thoth’s history goes back further than Khnum. Many believe he has been a prominent figure on Earth since prehistory…possibly to the times of Atlantis.

Thoth: The Ibis & The Baboon

Thoth is depicted as one of two animals—an ibis or a baboon. The ibis was sacred to the ancient Egyptians. This solemn and serene bird floats through the air with ease. The ibis breaks the barrier between air and water, and therefore breaks the barrier between the dead and the living. Just like Thoth.

There were thousands of mummified ibises given as offerings to Thoth in ancient Egypt. Ibises walked freely through the Thoth’s temples and that the priests fed them daily. The Ibis hieroglyph was the symbol for Thoth.

Thoth is also symbolized by the baboon. Baboons traded and imported from other parts of Africa to appease Egyptian royalty. This animal’s import accelerated during the high times of Thoth, since the baboon was sacred to him. No one is sure why the baboon was associated with Thoth but historians believe Thoth took this form when he became A’an (the god of equilibrium).

The God of Wisdom & Writing

Thoth is the Egyptian god of writing. He is illustrated with a book or scroll in his hands. Thoth is a scribe and record-keeper and therefore frequently calls to writers. He willingly protects and guides modern writers, authors, publishers, poets and editors. In addition to writing, he is the Egyptian god of wisdom and philosophy. He keeps record for the gods and the dead. And he keeps record of his own philosophies. Moreover, Thoth and his wife Seshat are credited with the invention of hieroglyphics. Thoth’s ancient priests’ most sacred duty was inscribing hieroglyphics on temple and tomb walls.

In his most ancient form, Thoth maintains Universal movement. He is part of the eight-god pantheon Ogdoad. These were primal creator gods in ancient Egyptian mythology. Thoth’s other domains include: medicine, science, mathematics, magic, and mediation. He keeps balance between good and evil, light and dark.

Thoth’s Ancient Origins: Atlantis and Beyond

Thoth’s origins are mysterious at best. Some believe Thoth is the son of Ra, while others say he sprang forth from the head of Set. However, modern occultists believe Thoth is much older than Ra or Set. Could Thoth have originated in Atlantis? Was he a god? A human? Or something else during Atlantean times? Anything is possible.

Hermès Trismegistus wrote The Emerald Tablets of Thoth in the sixth century. Hermes Trismegistus claimed to be Thoth reincarnate. Some believe he had also come to earth as Enoch, Noah, and Moses. The Emerald Tablets are the sacred texts of the Hermetic movement and were favored by Medieval alchemists. The tablets connect Thoth to Atlantis. When Atlantis was destroyed, the people and gods of Atlantis dispersed and went elsewhere in the world. Thoth escaped to Egypt and aided in its establishment. And was tasked with keeping the ancient records safe. As an intriguing side note, there are sacred records buried under the Sphinx.

Before Atlantis, Thoth came from elsewhere in the Universe. When I worked with Thoth extensively in 2011 and 2012, he confirmed his otherworldly origins with me. He lived many lives on Arcturus in a higher dimension. Thoth is a Carian…a bird-like extraterrestrial who came to earth to aid in the creation of humanity. He is a creator god of cosmic origins. He may also have been Lyran before his time in Arcturus. And he’s believed to be one of the Ascended Masters who are now aiding humanity in ascension.

How to Work With Thoth, Egyptian God

Work with Thoth just as you’d work with any other deity. Establish a connection by telling him you want to work with him in your spiritual practice. He particularly loves writers, mathematicians, magicians, and all who seek to understand the nature of the Universe. Thoth calls to starseeds. Thoth is a teacher, above all, and when he comes to you be ready to learn and transform.

1. Read All About Thoth

There are many myths, historical facts, and archaeological artifacts featuring our boy Thoth. One of the best ways to get to know a deity is by researching, reading, and taking notes on them. Thoth, being a god of wisdom and writing, will particularly be pleased with this act. Keep a few pages in your grimoire dedicated to him and your experiences with him.

2. Set Up An Altar

I recommend this to everyone who wants to seriously work with a deity. Thoth, like the other Egyptian gods, appreciates a sacred space of which to occupy. Give him his own altar and add things that make him feel at home – pyramids, clear quartz and lapis stones, ankhs, sistrums, etc. Anything that screams Egypt will be appreciated by this god. Images of baboons and ibises are also appropriate. And an image of Thoth himself.

3. Offer Gifts to the God of Wisdom

If I know anything about Thoth, it’s that he enjoys gifts related to writing. Write Thoth a poem, story, prayer, or song. In addition, Thoth enjoys offerings of red wine, beer, and bread. You don’t have to give him gifts daily, but make it a regular thing when you feel you want to show your appreciation to him. He will bless you in return.

4. Just WRITE

I’ve learned that Thoth typically calls to people who are writers. So, if that applies to you, connect with the deity of writing by doing just that. WRITING. Every act of pen to paper appeases Thoth. Every thought to write is him urging you forward on your writing path. Every time I see an ibis in my front yard, I know it’s Thoth reminding me to write.

5. Explore Ancient Origins of Man

Now, I’m not saying to go off and start watching Ancient Aliens or anything. BUT Thoth had a hand in the beginning of man on this planet. And often when he’s working with a follower/devotee, he will begin revealing secrets of man’s origins to you. Don’t be surprised if he takes you on a wild journey deep inside the pyramids, deep under the Sphinx, to places unseen. Just to show you something you already knew but had forgotten.

6. Get Off Your Ath and Do Some MATH

Thoth is a mathematician. If you aren’t, maybe it’s time to dig into the origins of mathematics and see just how occult this practice actually is. Did you know the word algebra has its roots in magick? The mysteries of the Universe may be revealed through the study of math. You don’t have to become a mathematician but at least understand how math is tied intricately to magic. Thoth will guide you.

7. Working with the Baboon and Ibis

The Egyptian gods were anthropomorphic. Meaning they would manifest in animal form or half-man half-animal form. You might not live in a place where baboons or ibises roam in the wild, but you can work with the spirit of these animals. Thoth is tied to the baboon and ibis, so include these animals in your rites.

8. Make Magic with Thoth

Thoth is a god of magic. Call on him when casting spells, performing rituals and making every day magick. He will accompany, guide, and aid you in manifesting your desires.

Compendium of Pagan Gods BOOK: Signed Copy


Grab a signed paperback copy of Kitty Fields’ Compendium of Pagan Gods, Volume 1 in The Otherworldly Oracle Collection. 333 pages of detailed info on how to work with the ancient deities.

Thoth: How to Work with the God of Wisdom and Writing

More Egyptian Gods:

5 thoughts on “Thoth: Egyptian God of Wisdom From Atlantis and Beyond

  1. Well written thank you!
    I am on an incredible journey with Thoth right now and absolutely loving it 🙂

    1. He just came to me, right now. He stood before me in the dark, right next to a chair. The outline of his silhouette became full, and he just moved his head a little. I told him he is welcome to stay and, I had many poems I just wrote and many to come. 8/17/2024 5:59am

  2. I have had dreams of Thoth. In one I was actually attending a school in his name. I’ve never worked with any deity and have no connections to Egypt that I’m aware of but I’m just so called to him I feel like I need to do something. This article is very interesting, thank you.

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